Archived Webinars: Online, On-Demand

To access Biotics Research archived webinars

Biotics Research now offers a FREE mobile app which contains everything that their website offers, including archived webinars! 

Download the Biotics Research free  mobile app by clicking the below Apple or Google Play link, whichever is appropriate for your device.

Google - Biotics Research Mobile App

Apple - Biotics Research Mobile App


1.  Visit

2.  Log-in using your username and password

3.  Place your cursor over the Research and Education tab

4.  From the drop down menu, click on Archived Webinars

5.  Under the heading Biotics Research Webinars, you may search webinars by title & body or presenter.  

     For presenter, click on √ and select one.

Osteopororis - More Than Just A Calcium Problem

Donna DiMarco, ND

    If you do not have a Biotics Research website account, please follow the instructions below.

1. Visit
2. Click on Sepup Online Access at the top righthand side of the screen
3. Click on “Create New Account” Tab
4. Complete the required fields 
5. Click on "Create New Account" at the bottom of the page 
6. Please allow 24 hours for your account to be activated.

     *NOTE: You must have a healthcare professional account with your local distributor in order for your                   website account to be activated.